Chanel Red

August 9, 2021

Boskemper dress
Chanel bracelet

I definitely woke up with a case of the Manic Mondays. They each keep coming so fast and there’s always this tiny sense of dread in the morning when I’m still in bed and have yet to have my coffee that no matter what I do, I will never fully be ready for a Monday. It also feels like the longest day of the week with the pressure of a whole week ahead on its shoulders and a need for extra time to reset. But here we are. It’s Monday and I’m just reminding myself to breathe and be kind to myself once again, and it really isn’t that bad once the pressure is removed. Some fancy jewelry from @chanelofficial always helps, too. I’m always dramatic about Mondays, and this is me being dramatic in a way that helps me get through it all. Organizing, cleaning house, brainstorming and writing down ideas, and getting dressed up for no reason help me get through my Monday.

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