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May 2020

Navy Sheets

May 16, 2020

Pale Swimwear bikini
Ettitude bedsheets

Self care goes hand in hand with social distancing, and my bed is where the majority of self care happens. It’s my little zen space and it’s the one place where unwinding is the main priority. A tea. A lit candle. A book.  It’s sort of strange when everyday seems equally both monotonous and also totally unexpected. Still getting used to this all. I think we all deserve a good place to sleep during a time like this.  I believe in investing in quality bedding, like these Ettitude bamboo sheets. Organic and antimicrobial. They feel and look divine. 


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Hold Onto the Things That Feel Fleeting

May 11, 2020

Sass & Bide top
Bulgari jewelry 

When I’m up on this rooftop, looking at our city from above; seeing it so far yet so close as the future seems unreachable, I still see those glimmers of what it was before, and this keeps me going. I was reading my book, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, and this passage stood out to me because it in some way represented how I feel about holding onto the things in the world that can normally feel fleeting, and how this can give us hope: 

“As time passed and the sky came increasingly under the sway of the bright morning sun of summer, one star at a time would obliterate itself from my field of view. They did this with the utmost gentleness, and I studied the process of obliteration with wide-open eyes. The summer sun did not, however, erase every star from the sky. A few of the strongest ones remained. No matter how high the sun climbed, they took a stubborn stance and refused to disappear. This made me happy:  aside from the occasional cloud that drifted by, the stars were the only things I could see from down there.” 


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