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Lean Back for the Long Stretch

June 9, 2020

Retrofete jeans
Sass and Bide top
Ranchroad boots

These days have been all about the stretch. We’ve all been stretching ourselves outside of our comfort zones into a new zone that we are still continuing to navigate and try understand as a part of our routines. I’ve been taking comfort in hearing how many of you are turning this upside down experience into something that’s helping you stand taller than before, even if it’s just little by little. We are all learning more about our weaknesses and strengths these days, facing emotions we never faced before, and opening up to each other and most importantly to ourselves in new ways. It’s important to keep growing. So keep at it. Keep stretching in those directions you never stretched before. 


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Isolation Portrait

June 9, 2020

Manuri dress
Swedish Stocking tights
AGL shoes

This past week, not to mention the past three months in general, has been both heavy and uplifting. Today feels like a fresh beginning; a brand new step in the right direction. A direction we will continue in for the rest of our lifetimes. This is a little moving self portrait that I shot and edited myself a few weeks ago. It expresses my feelings of trying to find creativity in isolation. Creativity ebs and flows, but it seems to hit us at the most outstanding of times.


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Sanity in the Motions

May 24, 2020

Pale Swimwear swimsuit

My mind has been in a blur of ups and downs. It’s hard to grasp how fast this past week has flown by, but thankfully this weekend has gotten back to feeling slow. It must have been yesterday’s rain. The good new is that the city seems to be getting closer to opening up slowly, and I will continue to patiently wait through the process for as long as we have to. I’ve been working on clearing my head and the physical space around me from clutter, and it feels really good to breathe in an open space. To appreciate every little thing that surrounds me. And I’ve been finding ways to make each walk around the neighborhood feel brand new. With a different route. A different errand. A different perspective. I may be less blurry today, but who knows, tomorrow I may be blurry again. But I’m finding sanity in these all over motions, and that’s optimistic enough for me.


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Bring the Drama

May 16, 2020

Nisse dress
Roop hair scrunchie
Maryam Nassir Zadeh boots

My sister and I have been setting up our little home studio on her rooftop on sunny days. Nothing fancy. Super minimal. It reminds me of the days when we first started blogging in 2010, and would shoot all our outfits in front of the same brick wall in our backyard in California. It was the simplest background, and some may even call it boring, but there was something very special about what we created with what little we had back then. Those emotions are coming back and it feels again like those days of trial and error. Those were the days that have made us who we are.


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