The Lesyanebo Suit on Film

June 3, 2021

Lesyanebo suit

Having today completely to myself. It’s been awhile since I’ve last done that. Sometimes the middle of the week calls for it. Rather than just waiting to take it when I can get it, I’m going to just make it when I want it. Rain or shine, the day is mine.


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Ciao Lucia in Chinatown on Film

June 3, 2021

Ciao Lucia dress
Coach bag

I’ve been finding myself in Chinatown a lot recently. For mochi donuts at Alimama Tea. For a restock of chili oil at New Kam Man Supermarket. For matcha cheesecake at Fay Da Bakery. And of course, my favorite gem . . . Renew Day Spa on Bowery for a legit massage. A lot of the times, I just like to walk around in between appointments to look at storefronts and to find a new place for rice noodles.


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Girl on Fire

June 3, 2021

Simon Miller stretch set

In awe of what my body does for me every single day. Every aching knot. Every tender limb. Every soothing stretch. Every collapse into bed each night. Every tiny dancer inside each of us that comes out to say hello once in awhile. Every physical step forward I take means something more and more. Sometimes we just need to say a thank you out loud to our bodies. A great big hug and a standing round of applause.


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