Miami Beach on Film

April 21, 2021

When I first posted these photos, everyone thought that I moved to Miami. Lol. Nope! But the idea actually isn’t too bad. But for now, I’ll just rewatch all the old movies shot in Miami and internalize these color palettes. To be honest, Kodak Gold 200 #35mm #film was made for photographing Miami on a sunny day. I am moved so much by color and how they work together and the way they make me feel is almost indescribable. I geek out on it really. And I love that so many of you guys feel this way, too! I never want color to stop keeping us on our toes.


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Bikini Body Talk

April 21, 2021

Genau bikini

Leftovers from Miami. I’m still not fully comfortable posing in a bikini on a beach. It’s always an “awkward capture this quick, what am I doing?” moment. Even posting photos of me in a bikini on here raises anxiety within myself. But then there are days when you remind yourself to stop thinking about those who are watching or judging and just not give af about what others think about what you do in your own skin. There’s still that voice in my head that is not fully confident sometimes, but it is far less loud than before.


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