The Flamingo Pink

December 5, 2020

November meant the start of new changes! We have a new president to look forward to and a new wave of possibilities before us, all with the work that will need to be put in. Gabi and I just moved into our new condo in Dumbo! After this year, home space has come to mean so much to me, and our new place embodies everything that I crave as a creative: light, space and calm. NYC is still home for now, and the future here is looking brighter. One step at a time. Here are some film images of me wearing this Alice & Olivia jacket that I adore and my flamingo pink Chanel purse. Bringing some color to a gloomy day from our old rooftop. 


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Pretty Cocktails

December 5, 2020

Film photos from an intimate, socially-distanced dining 5-course experience at Eataly’s Bar Milano from a few weeks back. The array of cocktails was so visually appealing that I couldn’t stop photographing them. I never take for granted experiences like this that I get to have by being in this digital industry. It still positively overwhelms me even after many years. These past months in NYC has made me miss the time abroad, but it also made me realize how lucky I am to have had those experiences because of the hard work put in. I didn’t start traveling much until I started my blog and moved East Coast in 2011, and my first big trip to Europe was a dream come true. It felt like the gears of everything I was working towards were finally moving. With big travel on pause right now, it’s a relief to know that a taste of Italy is just a subway ride away. Next time we are back, it will be for takeout. 


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