How My Body Feels

September 12, 2020

Nylora bodysuit

How many body FEELS is so important to me. It is because with time I have learned to respect my body. To listen to it. I find myself putting in the time for a good stretch every single day for a simple reason which is that it feels so good. I have so much more time to focus on that feeling of being in tune really shows in all@aspects of my day-to-day. Treating my body well is now just a regular part of my routine, and I don’t see that changing at all in the future. I have put myself into the routine of starting off or ending each day with a booty-kicking pilates class with the badass @lexfish (stretching before and after, of course), and getting excited about making myself satisfying meals to tell my body thank you for everything it gets me through each day. Every day I stop to give time to the satisfactions I get out of these self-love moments. You know what else is self-love? Making sure you gear up to VOTE in the November elections. Get on it!


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Preen by Thornton Bregazzi dress

September 12, 2020

Preen by Thornton Bregazzi dress

These were shot during the last five minutes before the sun went below the mountaintop. The cycle of morning to day to night is so phenomenal if you stop and think about it . . . How it affects our own bodily cycles, and how we adapt to new environments (or lack of), new seasons, new normals, new expectations or no expectations at all. The art of living means so much more today.


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