Stop and Take a Breather

February 24, 2020

Rodebjer set
Vintage belt
Dear Frances boots

When I’m overwhelmed because I feel pulled in too many directions, I stop and take a breather. I move and jump around and blend with the sky and let that feeling be the only thing inside my head. And if I do it enough times, I find that I land back down seeing clearer where I want to go. This puzzle that’s life takes time putting itself together. Give it all the time in the world.

The majority of my influencer career (and I know many of you guys can relate) has been about creating that perfect shot. There have been many a day of over-analyzation, self-critique, and frustrations that came with picking apart every aspect of a photo, and of myself, which at its root went against the point of everything I do and truly wanted to share. The struggles behind what seems like the perfect, most effortless photos are the parts that never seem to be shared. And to us in front of the camera, it never seemed like enough photos could be taken to get that perfect shot, and we drive ourselves crazy over this. My mindset about this has changed drastically over the last two years, and I really had to put in a lot of work and self affirmations to get to this point of becoming more confident in myself and my work, less self critical, and less expectant of nailing projects on the head perfectly each and every time. Shifting my expectations was #1, and I became happier with what I was creating. The spur-of-the-moment, less staged me is much more creative than the overly analytical, perfectionist me. And so I allowed myself to let go and embrace this creative part of me much more. And I am still working to get better at this everyday. Like the spontaneity of an instant photograph to the unexpectedness of getting back prints from my disposable camera, taking this mindset to the content creation process has helped me feel much more sane and creatively free. After 10 years of running my blog and 8 years of posting on Instagram, this is by far the most important sort of personal growth I have been able to experience and I’m thankful for it. I just wanted to let you guys know, in case you guys are experiencing the same sort of frustrations and creative ruts. They are parts of life, so don’t let them them pick yourself a part. Let’s be there for each other during them instead. Keep creating loves 🙂


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