Things That Make Me Feel Good

January 24, 2021

We are spending so much time at home, that we are forced to stop and look at the little things that we do around the house that make us feel good in our skin, and that make the day worth living fully. Without doing so, we may all just go a little bit insane, and none of us want that. What are part of your simple at-home rituals that are keeping you cheerful and motivated even if you are lacking a sense of direction? For me, it’s giving myself a true time out for some TLC. Stopping to listen to my body helps me rejuvenate, even if it’s something as simple as lying on my back on my yoga mat and just paying attention to my breathing. It seems so small, but it actually is a HUGE help. Rituals like this are larger than life, and they most likely will be for a long time to come. To think we overlooked these little actions in the past so many times. Today, they shine. 

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