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Brazil on Film

December 7, 2020

I finally had the chance to organize my film photos from my Brazil trip in September, and here they are! My first three days in Brazil were spent in the mountains of Swiss-themed Gramado and Canela before heading to the quiet and remote beach town of Albatroz where Gabi’s mom and sister live. Traveling was scary to do then (and it still is now) but it was over two years since Gabi has seen his family before this trip, and for me even more (all I can say is the immigration waiting game really has been hard on us), and this trip to the South of Brazil really highlighted the importance of family especially during this time. Gramado had such a unique serenity to it, on top of all the pasta, fondue and chocolate one’s heart desires 🙂 I came with a limited wardrobe and ended up dressing like Diane Keaton most of the time, but that was exactly the plan.

Albatroz was special during this off season time (it was winter in Brazil, opposite seasons of here). The beaches just had just a few people taking quiet walks, but it felt more like we had the entire beach to ourselves. It didn’t feel lonely though. And we were in the company of the cats and dogs at his mom’s house, which brought my lots of joy to be around. Never before had I spent time like this with animals, and I really understand more that deep relationship people have with their pets. It’s very unique. There were many mornings we would sit in his mom’s backyard drinking coffee, sunbathing (winter in Brazil is more like spring), and just watching the cats interact with each other. Or if I’m lucky, one would sit near me and I could pet him or her. These simple days really gave me lots of time to think. 

The room for thinking kept me coming back to the full spectrum of emotions that this year has brought upon, and they especially came together on this trip with the force of a strong tide. Especially at a time where it seems like the world is crumbling all around us yet at the same time there is so much hope that we’ll someday make it to the light at the end of the road. This desolate beach in particular reminded me how massive this world really is, and how life in NYC is just one small glimmer in our Earth’s existence. But at the same time, it reminded me that our own unique, individual perspectives and ideas are what will drive massive change together. Standing by myself on this endless beach alongside Gabi didn’t mean at all that we were alone in our thoughts and actions, and this idea moved me then and it moves me forward right now.

The beach inspire me to run. Running, running, running, and grasping what gives me a sense of freedom in my here and now. The future may seem ungraspable, but today does not. Hope you all look around you and grasp what brings you joy in the instant that you are in. Far from home. Close to home. I hope you find home in the way that matters most to you wherever you are. 


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Scribner’s on Film

December 5, 2020

A few days at Scribner’s Catskills Lodge with the family, playing snooker and hiding from the rain. It was also our first snow of the season. This time with the ones we love is so special and important right now. I’m holding onto these late night snooker night memories tighter than ever. But I do hope that there will be a whole lot more of these nights to come. 


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Every Molecule of Energy

December 5, 2020

Taking a big long stretch. This week went by like a flash. The moments I can stop and breathe for a second have been keeping me sane amongst this madness in this one life we have. Let’s keep our energy in check so we can give life our fullest selves. Every molecule of energy counts.


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