Sequins in the Springtime

April 21, 2021

In the Mood For Love dress

When the light hits just right, there really is a place for sequins in the springtime (almoooost done with Hawaii balcony content I promise). Spring never was one of my favorite seasons. I always prefer summer and fall. And winter is always a bittersweet season for me that usually leaves me a little sad once holiday festivity ends, but this year, because of the circumstances, spring is inching up there on the list. This time it feels more of like that awakening that it’s name gives meaning to. #35mm #film




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Lockdown Lounging

April 7, 2021

Its been over one year since the first official lockdown weekend and it blows my mind how we got through a year of life mostly spent at home and dealt with a future that felt and still feels completely unknown and where making plans makes no sense at all. As a result, my entire perspective on life shifted within this entire year. The NOW is such a critical key to the life we want to create for ourselves. And I have to say, what I learned this past year about living for TODAY will stick with me and drive me forever. Just some thoughts while pondering at home this Sunday.

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